In the previous episode we visited Red Square, danced in Gorkiy Park, listened to stories by the Bolshoi Theater, took a metro ride, went to the dacha and twirled cucumbers.

Now you will see something very special where ordinary tourists can not get - to the houses of our heroes.
In the previous episode we visited Red Square, danced in Gorkiy Park, listened to stories by the Bolshoi Theater, took a metro ride, went to the dacha and twirled cucumbers.

Now you will see something very special where ordinary tourists can not get - to the houses of our heroes.
What's in the next episode?
  • We will introduce you to our family traditions
  • Cook buckwheat porridge
  • Tell you secret stories of Soviet Union time and how it influences us nowadays
  • You will dive into folk traditions and Russian fairytales characters
What's in the next episode?
  • We will introduce you to our family traditions
  • Cook buckwheat porridge
  • Tell you secret stories of Soviet Union time and how it influences us nowadays
  • You will dive into folk traditions and Russian fairytales characters
You will be not just on the excursion, you will be our neighbour on the extra chair, our friend which came for a drink, our kid for whom we tell a bed time story, our relative to share old photos with.
You will meet with us to get to know yourself better!
Every time we travel and dive into the new culture - it helps us to understand better our own, to see our routine in a new perspectives.

We are similar, different, raised in different times and spaces, but there is something for which it is important for us to meet. For what?

We'll find out at the end of this series! :)
No special requirements
No special requirements
and we will send you an invitation for the next episode!